Author Topic: The cron events  (Read 1483 times)


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The cron events
« on: October 24, 2009, 06:50:08 pm »
This is weird. First, I profess that I don't understand what the cron events are all about. I see the intent but it doesn't work. I've done 6 installs of 153 and if I rely on the cron events to auto check emails it doesn't work. That whole little area is weird.

Why have that and then tell us to define our own cron job to auto pull emails for all accounts setup by users of the system ?
Also, if I disable the cron events in the admin panel although I have the cron job running via crontab -e emails aren't pulled down and registered user's email area.

What is happening here ? Anyone that knows that area of OG 153 please explain what's happening ?

I got mine working but it seems like such a hack :(
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