Author Topic: oscar chavez  (Read 167 times)


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oscar chavez
« on: May 08, 2022, 01:29:59 pm »
Lots of sites that publish regular information have their own RSS feeds, like Marshall Brain's BrainStuff weblog. The trouble with living in the Information Age is paradoxical: There's too much information. It's everywhere. How are you supposed to keep track of all the news, sports, weather and blogs you follow? Better yet, how are you going to do that and find time for work, school and family? If you're addicted to the constant flow of data that we know as the Internet, you're not going to be able to manage it without some help. One way to keep track of it all has grown very popular since its introduction in 1997: RSS. Short for Really Simple Syndication (at least now -- more on that later), RSS is a way to subscribe to a source of information, such as a Web site, and get brief updates delivered to you. When you subscribe, you'll get a feed -- often a series of headlines and brief summaries -- of all the articles published on that particular Web page. Recession trends show that housing usually rebounds, keeping it in the "good debt" category, but forecasts depend on many economic factors as well as unknowns. With some knowledge of your buying "triggers," changing habits may be necessary. If you spend Saturday mornings shopping on the Internet or you can't pass that antique shop down the road without popping in for a look, take a fast from the Internet and a different route around the shop. Flee temptation by physically separating yourself from it. If leaving work at lunch time costs no less than $7 per day, bring leftovers and stock your file cabinet with snacks, but stay in the building. It could save you $200 or much more per month. Even avoiding the places where we spend doesn't stop the money "deals" that come in the mail. Offers of "no money down!," skipped payments and equity lending appeal to the sense that we are good enough customers to receive the offers.  debate time
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