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Messages - encinmat

Pages: [1]
Community Contributions / Re: Chat extension
« on: October 26, 2013, 04:33:21 pm »
Hi Mirko,

I have the version, I try to implement the Chat extention but I have a black screen when an login to FengOffice.

Please could you update your funtionality to version

Actually, I am testing other funtion like:
> IntraMessenger - I don't like it because not permis use other Client to login to chat.
> Coment Chat - I still investigation about it.

I am not programmer, just I want to help me team to have a good way to communication. I'm incident/problem manager a chat funtion into fengoffice will very helpfully.

I think a chat link facebook as a panel retractil will greate because if possible see that chat in any page into fengoffice but also is a good idea ingress using client software.

I'll appreciate your comment if you have any news.


Hi EveryOne,

I install the IntraMessenger Server & Client (1.31C) with External Authentication using Feng Office DB.

Note: For FengOffice I modify the following files:

After you unzip the file into the server and before start with the installation process please modify this files:
> For FengOffice I see the Table where save the user is fo_contacts

go to IntraMessenger/Common/extern/

  $requete  = " select LOWER(username), token, salt FROM " . $extern_prefix . "users ";

  $requete  = " select LOWER(username), token, salt FROM " . $extern_prefix . "contacts ";

Please don't modify to fo_contacts because the system will insert that part automatically from other configuration.

When you done the above part, please start with the installation:

> IntraMessenger/Common/Config/ (See the Installation Guide)
Here complete the information from DB FengOffice Like:

# Table prefix :
$extern_prefix = 'fo_';

# Mysql host (maybe : 'localhost') :
$extern_dbhost = 'localhost';

# Mysql port number :
$extern_dbport = '';

# Mysql database :
$extern_database = 'DB Name FengOffice';

# Mysql username :
$extern_dbuname = 'user admin DB that you use in the configuration web';

# Mysql password :
$extern_dbpass = 'Password';
Regarding the security I didn't know so much for priv... I am starting with GNU (Ubuntu.)

Best Regards,

General Discussion / Re: Comet Chat Integration
« on: October 25, 2013, 08:48:41 pm »

Any one have a document or step by step How to integrate the CometChat to fengoffice

I'll appreciate your help.


A mi me paso exactamente lo mismo, es decir le das login y despues te queda pantalla blanca. Luego de intentarlo varias veces el problema era que URL que setie al principio la pagina no lo encontraba y la DB como ya exitia me estaba generando conflictos.

Como recien estoy empezando a ver este tema y conocimientos de Linux muy poco lo que hice fue re-instalar todo de 0.

1. Verifique que la DB y Usuario sean los correctos.
2. URL verique que este activa tratando de ingresar desde otra pagina.

Luego instale todo de nuevo.

Pages: [1]