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Messages - fernandog

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Community Contributions / Re: How to stop "Task modified Emails"
« on: June 24, 2010, 01:54:40 pm »
I know this is an old topic, but I had the same question and just figured it out.

From application/models/notifier/Notifier.class.php, delete the following:

Code: [Select]
} else if ($action == ApplicationLogs::ACTION_EDIT) {
self::objectNotification($object, $subscribers, logged_user(), 'modified');

This will stop "object has been modified" emails

Ahh, thanks for pointing that out Murz.

I created a table and put the task Start/due dates on one side, and the URl on the other, right on top of the description, like this (See screenshot):
Code: [Select]
<table width=80%>
<?php if ($task_list->getStartDate() instanceof DateTimeValue) { ?>
<?php if ($task_list->getStartDate()->getYear() > DateTimeValueLib::now()->getYear()) { ?>
 <div class="startDate"><b><?php echo lang('start date'?>: </b><?php echo format_date($task_list->getStartDate(), null0?></div>
<?php } else { ?>
 <div class="startDate"><b><?php echo lang('start date'?>: </b><?php echo format_descriptive_date($task_list->getStartDate(), 0?></div>
<?php // if ?>
<?php // if ?>

<?php if ($task_list->getDueDate() instanceof DateTimeValue) { ?>
<?php if ($task_list->getDueDate()->getYear() > DateTimeValueLib::now()->getYear()) { ?>
 <div class="dueDate"><b><?php echo lang('due date'?>: </b><?php echo format_date($task_list->getDueDate(), null0?></div>
<?php } else { ?>
 <div class="dueDate"><b><?php echo lang('due date'?>: </b><?php echo format_descriptive_date($task_list->getDueDate(), 0?></div>
<?php // if ?>
<?php // if ?>


<b>Task URL:</b>


function ClipBoard()
holdtext.innerText = copytext.innerText;
Copied = holdtext.createTextRange();

<SPAN ID="copytext">
<?php echo($object->getViewUrl()) ?>
<TEXTAREA ID="holdtext" STYLE="display:none;">
<a href="#" onClick="ClipBoard();">(copy)</a>


Hi there,

Does anyone know where is the trigger to the "task has been modified" email notification?

I would like to hack it out of the code.


Hi there,

In case anyone would find this useful, this code displays the direct URL to the task in view, and a "copy" link which copies the path to the clipboard so it can be shared with other users (ie, pasted into an email)

Simply paste this code anywhere in application/views/task/task_list.php

Code: [Select]
<b>Task URL:</b>


function ClipBoard()
holdtext.innerText = copytext.innerText;
Copied = holdtext.createTextRange();

<SPAN ID="copytext">
http://localhost/fengoffice/index.php?c=task&a=view_task&id=<?php echo ($task_list->getId()) ?>
<TEXTAREA ID="holdtext" STYLE="display:none;">
<a href="#" onClick="ClipBoard();">(copy)</a>

Substitute "http://localhost/fengoffice" for the path you use to get to FengOffice

Remember this is on "task_list.php" which is not the same dropdown menu as in the "edit task" view ("add_task.php).

Nope, it still defaults to "anyone".

Hi Cabeza,

You are saying i should use "$selected" instead of "null"?

I tried this but unfortunately it did not work. Dropdown list still defaults to "Anyone".

The option "Me" is not even in this dropdown list, the way it is on the dropdown used in "edit task".

Any other ideas?

Thanks for your help

Development / Re: Help? Prepopulating Task Title field
« on: June 22, 2010, 02:42:17 pm »
As soon as I hit "add subtask" it shows the form for about 2 seconds (and I can see the fields is not prepopulated -btw) and then it jumps to "create new task" view (the one that shows all options including workspace, linked objects, etc) and none of the fields are populated.....

A "workaround" that I have been using is to add a second field right bellow the first one with the following code:

Code: [Select]
<input type="text" name="task[title]" value="<?php echo ($task_list->getTitle()) ?>">

This seems to work fine, as in the second field is prepopulated  with the parents task title, and the subtask can be created successfully.

The bizarre problem is that the original field is still there and I cannot hide it. If I delete it, the form jumps as described. I have resolved to turn the first field into a radio button that doesnt do anything and the form is working OK, but the radio button is there.

Does that make any sense?  ??? :D

Development / Re: Help? Prepopulating Task Title field
« on: June 22, 2010, 01:51:58 pm »
yes I do...that prints the parent task's title

Development / Re: Help? Prepopulating Task Title field
« on: June 22, 2010, 11:15:43 am »
Hi Cabeza!

Nope, i tried putting $task_list>getTitle instead of "null" but the form wont work.

Thanks for all your help with this and the other topics!!

Ideas / Re: Multi-edit would be awesome.
« on: June 18, 2010, 01:40:37 pm »

I figured out how to apply the date from a parent task to a ll sub tasks and posted it here.

It's no "multi edit" but it may do the trick for now  :)

Hi there,

Can anyone tell me how to default "Assigned to:" field to "Me" (logged user) when creating a subtask?

This dropdown box is in applications/ views/task/task_list.php

Code: [Select]
<?php echo assign_to_select_box("task[assigned_to]"$task_list->getProject(), null, array('id' => 'addTaskAssignTo' $task_list->getId())) ?>
This little change will save me much trouble, as my team often accidentally assigns subtask to other people!!
Thank you!

Development / Help? Prepopulating Task Title field
« on: June 16, 2010, 03:22:27 pm »

I'd like to know if anyone can help me with this. Seems pretty simple but I have not been able to do it.

Say I view a task (ie, "clean the house"), I click on "Add subtask".
The form for adding a subtask comes up.

I want the subtask title field to be prepopulated with the parent's task title ("clean the house")

This field is located in application/views/task/task_list.php here:

Code: [Select]
<?php echo text_field("task[title]"null, array('class' => 'title''id' => 'addTaskTitle' $task_list->getId())) ?>
I figured out that this code shows the parent's task title:
Code: [Select]
<?php echo ($task_list->getTitle())?>
So, basically, I want this text field to display the value of $task_list->getTitle()



Got this figured out as well...
In case anyone would like the start/due dates for subtasks pre-populated to be the same as the parent task (though they can be changed)
 <div style="padding-top:4px">   
       <?php /*echo label_tag(lang('dates'))*/ ?>
       <table><tbody><tr><td style="padding-right: 10px">
       <?php echo label_tag(lang('start date')) ?>           
      <?php echo pick_date_widget2('task_start_date', $task_list->getStartDate(), array_var($task_data, 'start_date'),$genid, 60) ?>
      </td></tr><tr><td style="padding-right: 10px">
      <?php echo label_tag(lang('due date')) ?>
      <?php echo pick_date_widget2('task_due_date', $task_list->getDueDate(), array_var($task_data, 'due_date'),$genid, 70) ?>

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