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Messages - fernandog

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Ideas / "Apply" button in task filter
« on: June 15, 2010, 12:12:57 pm »
 I find it bothersome that the  task list automatically refreshes everytime I select a new filter.

For example, if I want want to quickly look at my top priority tasks grouped by milestones, I need to wait for three refreshes before I get to the screen I want: (assigned to: me *refresh*, order by: milestones *refresh*, order by: priority *refresh*)

With a large number of tasks, each refresh takes a long time to load.

I would find it more useful if we had a button ("apply"), so I could set my filter criteria and then hit "apply".

Development / Re: How to add checkbox: Apply DueDate to All Subtasks
« on: June 15, 2010, 12:01:46 pm »
PS: You can do the same thing for "Start date", simply change "due" to "start",  "Due" to "Start", "apply_dd" to "apply_sd" and "applydd" to "applysd" everywhere in the code

Development / Applying Start/Due date to all subtasks (resolved)
« on: June 14, 2010, 03:48:51 pm »

I finally figured out how to do this, I hope some of you will find it usefull.

This hack basically adds a little checkbox for "Apply Duedate to Subtasks" when editing or creating a parent task.

Just add the following lines of code to the files listed bellow.
taskcontroller.class.php line 258
Code: [Select]
$due_date = $task->getDueDate();

taskcontroller.class.php line 261
Code: [Select]
$apply_dd = array_var($task_data, 'apply_duedate_subtasks', '') == "checked";

taskcontroller.class.php line 274
Code: [Select]
if ($apply_dd) {


taskcontroller.class.php line 1063
Code: [Select]
$due_date = $task->getDueDate();

taskcontroller.class.php line 1066
Code: [Select]
$apply_dd = array_var($task_data, 'apply_duedate_subtasks') == "checked";
taskcontroller.class.php line 1079
Code: [Select]
if ($apply_dd) {

actions.php  line 81

Code: [Select]
'apply duedate to subtasks' => 'Apply Due Date to Subtasks',

lang.js line 693
Code: [Select]
'apply duedate to subtasks': 'Apply DueDate to Subtasks',
'duedate': 'Due Date',

add_task.php line 200
Code: [Select]
<?php echo checkbox_field('task[apply_duedate_subtasks]'array_var($task_data'apply_duedate_subtasks'false), array("id" => "$genid-checkapplydd")) ?><label class="checkbox" for="<?php echo "$genid-checkapplydd" ?>"><?php echo lang('apply duedate to subtasks'?></label></div>[/pre]

Ideas / Re: Multi-edit would be awesome.
« on: June 08, 2010, 04:55:58 pm »
Hi Allen,

I find myself doing this all the time. Multi-edit would be great.

Since I use subtasks for multi-assign, the way I thought of addressing this was with a checkbox that allows subtasks to inherit properties of parents tasks (

I have been trying to crack this but no success yet :(

Feature requests / Re: Subtask should inherit parent's task properties
« on: March 25, 2010, 05:50:32 pm »
Hello great people of OpenGoo ;)

I'm just wondering if there are any plans of this being implemented, or at least posted for sponsorship?

I've continued to try without success :(

unfortunatly because the dates in my team's roadmap change so often it looks like we'll have to stop using opengoo as it is too much of a painpoint having to change everyone's taks/subtasks dates constantly.

If there is *any* chance of this being considered for a future version, perhaps we could hang in there?

Thanks again for all your work!

Well, it's happened a couple times.

If someone mistakenly checks in the wrong document after a revision, all previous versions of the document link to a blank document.

We mostly check in and out quattro pro spreadsheets (.qpw)  not sure if that makes a difference.

Feature requests / Documents should have version number in filename
« on: March 10, 2010, 04:52:28 pm »
When a document is checked out, it should have the revision number in the filename, eg: "Proposal (7).doc"

Some users in my team have mistakenly uploaded the wrong version, which for some reason screws up the entire revision history and all previous versions turn blank (i guess that's a bug :-[)

Feature requests / Re: Subtask should inherit parent's task properties
« on: March 05, 2010, 12:49:25 pm »
In case anyone with a better grasp of PHP than me is interested on pursuing this...this is as far as i've gotten, but it's not working and I dont know what im missing....

- taskController.class.php
line 258 and 1057 :

Code: [Select]
// apply values to subtasks
$subtasks = $task->getAllSubTasks();
$project = $task->getProject();
$milestone_id = $task->getMilestoneId();
$due_date = $task->getDueDate();
$apply_ws = array_var($task_data, 'apply_ws_subtasks', '') == "checked";
$apply_ms = array_var($task_data, 'apply_milestone_subtasks', '') == "checked";
$apply_dd = array_var($task_data, 'apply_duedate_subtasks', '') == "checked";
foreach ($subtasks as $sub) {
if (!$sub->getAssignedTo() instanceof ApplicationDataObject) {
if ($apply_ws) {
if ($apply_ms) {
if ($apply_dd) {

- on add_task.php
line 200
Code: [Select]
<?php echo checkbox_field('task[apply_duedate_subtasks]'array_var($task_data'apply_duedate_subtasks'false), array("id" => "$genid-checkapplyws")) ?><label class="checkbox" for="<?php echo "$genid-checkapplydd" ?>"><?php echo lang('apply duedate to subtasks'?></label></div>

- On addTask.js

 line 167:

Code: [Select]
html += "<div id='ogTasksPanelATDuedate' style='padding-top:5px;" + (data.isEdit? '': 'display:none') + "'><table><tr><td><div id='ogTasksPanelDdSelector'></div></td>";
if (data.isEdit) html += "<td style=\"padding-left:15px\"><label for=\"ogTasksPanelApplyDD\"><input style=\"width:14px;\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"task[apply_duedate_subtasks]\" id=\"ogTasksPanelApplyDD\" />&nbsp;" + lang('apply duedate to subtasks') + "</label></td>";
html += "</tr></table></div>";

line 367:

Code: [Select]
var applyDD = document.getElementById('ogTasksPanelApplyDD');
parameters["apply_duedate_subtasks"] = applyDD && applyDD.checked ? "checked" : "";

and also added 'apply duedate to subtasks' to languag folder.

ps: pardon my programming butchering  :-\

Feature requests / Subtask should inherit parent's task properties
« on: March 03, 2010, 04:30:50 pm »
I think I have mention this before in other posts but never created a separate topic.

I use tasks/subtasks alot and one of my major pain points with this is that when something changes in the parent task (ie, start/due dates), there is no way for the subtasks to inherit this.

We have option to "apply Workspace to subtask" and "apply milestone to subtask".

>> Could we add "apply start/due dates to subtask"?

I'd also like things like "description" and "linked objects" to be inhertied if possible. However start/due dates are the most important in my opinion.
I have tried for months hacking this in with little success :(

If anyone can do it or point me in the right direction that would be AWESOME!


I did.

I am using opengoo 1.5.2, could that have anything to do with it?

attached the screenshot of what I get

Hi allen,

Thank you for all your work.

I successfully ran all the commands in the sql file, but my webpage doesnt seem to be working stil. For one, i dont see a submit button, and i dont see the workspaces either.

Has anyone else been able to check this out?

When i try to run the first statement from the sql file, i get a syntax error
Anyone tried this?

Development / Re: Develop new plugin with db - best practice?
« on: February 24, 2010, 05:46:28 pm »

Yes there exactly.
I created a new folder in application\views\dashboard called "iframe"
Inside that folder I posted the html files
I added  the code bellow to the index.php file, right before the last <script> tag

<IFRAME src="http://localhost/opengoo/application/views/dashboard/iframe/index.html" width="100%" height="500" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0"></IFRAME>

Development / Re: How to Add the SuperSimple blog to Feng Office.
« on: February 22, 2010, 11:41:21 am »
Hi allen,

I woud love to take a look at this. Could you please share?

Thank you!

Development / Re: Develop new plugin with db - best practice?
« on: February 09, 2010, 04:34:40 pm »
I know this is a big cheat but I just placed an iframe in the dashboard linking to an internal .html file. I use this to post any content I want to display on the main page across all workspaces (mostly links and notices), and I designed the file to look like OG widgets  :)

If you figure out a better way, do post !

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