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Feature requests / Warning when navigating away from EDIT
« on: October 19, 2009, 04:52:00 am »
My business partner complained about this TO ME, as if it was my fault, lol. Anyway, when editing or adding an item, you can navigate away from your work without a warning about, possibly, losing your work.

I did see that if I was working on item A in section 2 (e.g. document A)., and then I move to calendar, then click the document tab, shows me what I was looking at before. However, I just luckily stumbled across that feature.

Ultimately, I think it would be nice to see (perhaps as an option for users) a warning in such a case.

ALSO, another request from my partner: He states that while trying to upload a document (add file). His words:

"There is no way to know [that file uploaded] other than checking the network activity. I clicked many times until I discovered that the network got bogged down with repeated uploads that all overwrote each other."

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