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Topics - Keith

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How To's / Security Issues !?
« on: April 26, 2009, 08:03:11 am »

I am just trying to experiment OpenGoo inside the faculty for project management and collaboration works. Everyone in general is quite happy with its easy and intuitive design especially for profs and students although there is somehow a little buggy, e.g. unable to unfold the Revisions just after checkin the file, but it works after login again.

However, recently we just got the message from the computer center asking us to update to the latest ver. of ProjectPier due to the security reason (they are very sensitive to any services running inside the campus) :o Well, after googling it, I noticed it is based on a fork of the activeCollab project before its commercialization, but it seems I can do nothing about it.

Does anyone have any idea of solving it? ???

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