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Messages - chamont

Pages: [1]
Feature requests / Re: Email filters/rules
« on: April 20, 2010, 05:03:06 pm »
Would love to help, for sure. That's rather frustating to suggest only.
But currently my 24/24h 7/7j is not even enough for the job I am paid for.
Next autumn, perhaps...

Feature requests / Re: Combined Tags Queries
« on: April 19, 2010, 11:44:57 am »
I long for it  :D

Feature requests / Re: Private Tags
« on: April 15, 2010, 05:02:52 am »
Yes. I start to understand that tags should not be seen as independent objects, stored in the database on their own, but rather as a list made on-the-fly from the feng objects.
Actually that's perfect this way, and very close to a personnal tagging system I developed some years ago.
I just hope this will scale well when I will start to tag dastardly my 10000 emails...

Feature requests / Re: Private Tags
« on: April 15, 2010, 04:36:27 am »

I've made a little fix for that :

My fix check only if you have access to the workspace in wich tags are used, but you can use it until version 1.7 is out, because normally it will be better.

For example in 1.7 you won't see the tag of an object invisible to you even if he is in a workspace wich you have access.

Edit : Or you can download the 1.7 beta 2, open the file /application/models/tags/Tags.class.php and copy the getTagNames function in your version ;D

Thanks for the patch  :)

My concern is not for privacy, but just not to pollute everyone with my tons of tags. If a dozen of users declare a hundred tags each, the use of tag scould became a nightmare, I guess.

Anyway, I wonder  what happens when several users declares the same tags...

Feature requests / Re: Private Tags
« on: April 15, 2010, 04:28:49 am »
Sorry to be dense, when you say attached to a given context, what do you mean?

Visible only to a person or group or company?  Visible only within a given workspace?

Yes, I was meaning workspace. Sorry for the bad terminology.
I am using the french interface, and sometimes I make errors when searching for the equivalent english feng term.

Feature requests / Email filters/rules
« on: April 14, 2010, 06:04:49 pm »
Am I the only one who receives hundreds of emails each day ?

I cannot live without filters/rules able to automatically move my emails to folder/context or apply tags, etc.

Without this, the Feng Office webmail is interesting, but still a toy, not usable in real life.

Feature requests / Private Tags
« on: April 14, 2010, 06:01:40 pm »
From what I see, each time I create a tag, it is visible to all the users of my Feng Office installation ? True ?

That's a problem. I love tags, create hundred of them, and will pollute the global context.

Is there hope that one day we can create tags which are attached to a given context, just the same as tasks/events/emails/etc ?

How To's / How to revert a bad ical import ?
« on: April 14, 2010, 05:57:34 pm »
A collegue has imported a very big ical file, and all the events are shifted of one hour (declared as bug elsewhere).
Now his calendar is damned polluted.
How can I clean his calendar ?
My only choice is to directly attack the underlying database ??

Feature requests / Combined Tags Queries
« on: April 14, 2010, 05:49:56 pm »
Few years ago, I was really delighted to discover the tags in google mail, and how powerful the concept was, as compared to the bad old folders.

I was very happy again to see that Feng Office also support the Tags feature.
Yet, this is definitively frustating that we can select only one tag at a time, and a real underuse of the concept.

Please ! please ! Add the possibility to say something like "tag1 and tag2 but not tag3", etc.

A simple graphic interface could be to add "+" and "-" button near each tag, so that one can activate and/or desactive any number of tags.

Feature requests / View calendar as list
« on: April 14, 2010, 05:34:40 pm »
The same as for the "overview" tab, it would be sometimes helpfull to have a "view as list" choice for the calendar, for example after an import problem, when one wants to remove all the items just imported.

Older versions / Re: Bug in iCal import
« on: April 14, 2010, 05:31:56 pm »
Also ical import problems with feng 1.7 beta 2, and ics files issued from google calendar and other non-google tools.

We have configured our account to use automatic timezeone selection.
We are in Paris.

When importing the calendar, all events are switched from two hours.

Also, events spreading over several full days begin single-day events in feng.

That's a showstopper for using feng calendar in our team, and consequently feng as a whole, since we want a single tool for webmail / calendar / tasks.

Demo ics file attached.

Feature requests / Re: Synchronization and similar things
« on: April 14, 2010, 05:25:58 pm »
I fully support most of what you said.
The calendar synchronization is especially important, and the reason why I currently cannot convince my collegues to adopt feng office.

Ideas / Disable bugs/features in the SourceForge project
« on: April 14, 2010, 05:17:25 pm »
If the Tracker services (bugs, features request, etc) in are not used any more, would be better to switch them off in a way or another.
So to avoid stupid guys like me to enter many items, and then discover that the last processed ones were processed one year or two ago.

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