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Topics - chamont

Pages: [1]
Feature requests / Email filters/rules
« on: April 14, 2010, 06:04:49 pm »
Am I the only one who receives hundreds of emails each day ?

I cannot live without filters/rules able to automatically move my emails to folder/context or apply tags, etc.

Without this, the Feng Office webmail is interesting, but still a toy, not usable in real life.

Feature requests / Private Tags
« on: April 14, 2010, 06:01:40 pm »
From what I see, each time I create a tag, it is visible to all the users of my Feng Office installation ? True ?

That's a problem. I love tags, create hundred of them, and will pollute the global context.

Is there hope that one day we can create tags which are attached to a given context, just the same as tasks/events/emails/etc ?

How To's / How to revert a bad ical import ?
« on: April 14, 2010, 05:57:34 pm »
A collegue has imported a very big ical file, and all the events are shifted of one hour (declared as bug elsewhere).
Now his calendar is damned polluted.
How can I clean his calendar ?
My only choice is to directly attack the underlying database ??

Feature requests / Combined Tags Queries
« on: April 14, 2010, 05:49:56 pm »
Few years ago, I was really delighted to discover the tags in google mail, and how powerful the concept was, as compared to the bad old folders.

I was very happy again to see that Feng Office also support the Tags feature.
Yet, this is definitively frustating that we can select only one tag at a time, and a real underuse of the concept.

Please ! please ! Add the possibility to say something like "tag1 and tag2 but not tag3", etc.

A simple graphic interface could be to add "+" and "-" button near each tag, so that one can activate and/or desactive any number of tags.

Feature requests / View calendar as list
« on: April 14, 2010, 05:34:40 pm »
The same as for the "overview" tab, it would be sometimes helpfull to have a "view as list" choice for the calendar, for example after an import problem, when one wants to remove all the items just imported.

Ideas / Disable bugs/features in the SourceForge project
« on: April 14, 2010, 05:17:25 pm »
If the Tracker services (bugs, features request, etc) in are not used any more, would be better to switch them off in a way or another.
So to avoid stupid guys like me to enter many items, and then discover that the last processed ones were processed one year or two ago.

Pages: [1]