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Messages - cale250

Pages: [1]
Installation problems / Re: missing lang.js
« on: March 07, 2009, 12:17:45 pm »
000webhost has a way to remove that silly tracking code from all the pages on your website- mentioned on the EyeOS website as it breaks that package as well-

Go to and enter your username and password, and make sure you click "Disable" in the combo box. It solved a long string of issues with my web apps. However, I would recommend installing the newer 1.3 RC1 to get improved MySQL integration (as 000webhost uses the MyISAM engine).

How To's / Re: I lost almost everything upgrading
« on: March 07, 2009, 12:08:04 pm »
What did you set the permissions to for the whole opengoo folder and its subdirectories? If the permissions aren't right, it could only overwrite certain files and probably caused some of your problems (though I would think the OpenGoo upgrade system would catch that). Either way, making a backup copy of all the local files that you stored on there, your configuration, and the MySQL database and then installing manually from an archive might be the way to go.

Feature requests / Re: make opengoo edit .php .css files etc
« on: November 29, 2008, 04:20:04 pm »
There are ways to make this happen. I believe there are 3 files that do some of the handling for MIME types for the application, and they are:

mime_parser.class.php (in environment/classes/mail)
mime_types.class.php (same directory)
mime_types.txt (same)

However, these do e-mail by the appearance...

In the filemanager.js file (located in public/assets/javascript/og) there is a reference to

Code: [Select]
if ( {
actions += String.format(
'<a class="list-action ico-edit" href="#" onclick="og.openLink(\'{0}\')" title="{1}" ' + actionStyle + '>' + lang('edit') + '</a>',,lang('edit this document'));

Is there anybody that could enlighten us to where we can find where we need to edit to get the php files recognized?

Feng Office 1 / Re: Missing lang.js
« on: November 27, 2008, 07:16:35 pm »
What is everybody running on when you're receiving these errors? I'm getting similar errors when we're using 000webhost. However when using InnoDB and other servers it seems to work fine. If it's related to the host or the fact it's using myISAM, we may be able to narrow down the culprit. I also see the illegal character as something slightly strange. Like you said earlier it could be encoding but it could also be a strange character placed in an unexpected spot.

EDIT: I may have found the culprit! Check out what running a javascript_translation gives me at the end of the code...

Code: [Select]
<!-- Analytics Code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var websiteID='';
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="web hosting" /></a>
<!-- End Of Code -->

Let me see where those bots are placing the booger and it may just solve the problem...
Go here to see the whole output:

Pages: [1]