Author Topic: Enter key works differently in "Assigned To" field  (Read 1880 times)


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Enter key works differently in "Assigned To" field
« on: September 02, 2009, 05:21:34 am »
In the task interfaces pressing the enter key in the "Assigned To" field leads to different actions, which is very confusing:

  • In the "on the fly" edit dialog (after pressing "edit" on the right in the task overview list) when the cursor sits in the Assigned field and you press Enter the displayed name is simply "accepted", nothing else happens. Thats expected.
  • In the full featured edit dialog (when you press on the task headline and then "Edit" in the task detail page), pressing Enter there in the assigned field submits the complete task. This is not expected and leads to numberless accidental submissions.

Can you provide infos how to patch that, please, if possible? Would like to stop that behaviour as soon as possible.