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Messages - sgago

Pages: [1]
Ideas / Re: Reporting total time spent
« on: April 13, 2011, 08:41:29 am »
Dear Francisco,

I can not find the variable "Total task execution time" in custom task report, only time estimated.
I'm using fengoffice 1.7.4

Do I need to configure anything else or install a plugin?


Dear Allen,

It works perfect. The vars warnings seem to be caused by my php server (wamp). I simply have removed the warnings in the php.ini configuration. (Luckily I found people who had the same problem with these warnings running other php codes under last version of wamp)

If someone else uses fengoffice under wamp server, they probably have those same problems installing the jsgantt, but for now, them are only warnings.

Thank you very much for the good work.

Keep in touch!  ;)

I'm running the lastest version of feng office (1.7.4). Can it be the problem?

I've attached the lab tab screenshots.

Maybe I should try the plugin with an earlier version of feng office...


Dear Allen,

Thank you for your valuable contribution to feng office.

I followed all the steps above and I have read the forum to resolve several installation errors.

I think I have pretty much all fixed. But in the last step, I have been blocked. I think the reason is that it can not read the workspaces / tasks created. I have checked the credentials to access the database and them are correct.

I get a series of warnings in the lab tab:
Notice: Undefined index: hidSubmitted in D:\feng_community\application\views\lab\index.php on line 215
Notice: Undefined variable: sel in D:\feng_community\application\views\lab\index.php on line 368
Notice: Undefined index: pID in D:\feng_community\application\views\lab\index.php on line 371
and more ...

You could guide me to resolve this error, please.


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