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TimeTracker for Android

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I use FengOffice since 2013. And I like timeslots functionality. I use them for billing my projects and for saving common info about steps in tasks.
But use this functionality very uncomfortable if you are out of office. Esspecialy if you are using only community version.
That's why I decide to make android applicaton for work with FengOffice timeslots.

I am not a professional programmer. Please don't kick me if some my solutions are wrong. But the first problem that I have met was underdone API of FengOffice. So I had to write my version of API - vatapi plugin. If you want to test my application you'll need first to instal this plugin (see it in attachment).

Now I start alfa-testing of my application. And I open this topic for questions and errors about it.

Looks promising.  I can't login from the Android app, but I have not had time to really troubleshoot this issue yet, so likely it's just something I need to do.

Check that you have installed plugin "vatapi" on your server.
For checking you should enter in brouser adress:  <your web-server url>/index.php?c=api&m=active_plugin&plugin=vatapi
And you must get "{"plugin_state":1}" as a result

If result is different you need download plugin from attachment of this topic, unpack it to the plugin folder on your server and activate it by web interface (settings -> plugins).
Installing of plugins is described on http://wiki.fengoffice.com/doku.php/plugins

Ahh - I see what happened.    I installed, but did not activate the plugin!    So, it's attempting to connecting, but the android app just spins and then timesout - goes back to login screen...

Will explore logs later.

Is there any message on screen after return to login form?

At first login It makes full load data from web. It includes such reqests:
1. check plugin
<your web-server url>/index.php?c=api&m=active_plugin&plugin=vatapi
must return

2. check credentials
<your web-server url>/index.php?c=api&m=login&username=<login>&password=<password>
must return:
{"token":"your token","username":"your login","user_id":,"company":"your company"}

3. load categories (using token from previouse step)
<your web-server url>/index.php?c=vatapi&m=list_members&srv=workspace&auth=<token>
must return a list of your workspaces

4. load tasks
<your web-server url>/index.php?c=vatapi&m=listing&srv=ProjectTasks&args={"status":"0"}&auth=<token>
must return a list of your active tasks

5. load timeslots
<your web-server url>/index.php?c=vatapi&m=listing&srv=Timeslots&auth=<token>
must return a list of your timeslots (may take some time on big database)

May you try this requests in browser? Does they work?


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