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Messages - djkatscan

Pages: [1]
Getting Started / Email event invitation to newly selected users only.
« on: January 29, 2010, 12:06:46 am »
I have ongoing events and new users being added periodically.  I create a new user and invite them to an existing event, one that that already had invited users.  if I select to email notify the newly selected users to the event....EVERYONE who was previously invited gets ANOTHER email.  Is there a way to stop this behavior or am I forced to invite new users with no email notification?

Thanks in advance.

Feng Office 1 / Re: Invite Everyone
« on: February 17, 2009, 08:19:15 pm »
Thank you for the reply!

I have also received this same error, in v1.1

Feng Office 1 / BUG IDENTIFIED: Invite Everyone
« on: February 16, 2009, 05:24:55 am »
Not sure if this was a bug in v1.0, or something I am doing wrong in v1.1, or vice versa.  ;D
I have a company with a parent workspace and many sub-workspaces, however I want everyone in the parent workspace (AKA: everyone in the company)to be able to view events (via invitation)
In v1.0 I am able to check the parent name and it will check off everyone (it acts as "select all")
In v1.1   I check the parent name and it will not check off everyone.
All users have been given permissions to the parent workspace, and all the users and contacts are listed under the company in admin view.  Additionally, all contacts have also been assigned to the parent workspace.
Is this a bug or an I doing something or have I configured something wrong?
Thanks in advance.

New Community Members / New Member - djkatscan
« on: February 16, 2009, 05:14:29 am »
Hello All!  Glad to join the forums.  I have already recieved a ton of information regarding the use of the program and hope to learn more.  Thanks!

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