Author Topic: enhanced e-mail autoclassification  (Read 1821 times)


  • Freshman
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enhanced e-mail autoclassification
« on: June 27, 2011, 06:53:47 pm »

I would like to request the following feeature. Since FO 1.6 we have the autoclassify feature in the e-mail account section, which allows the user to send all emails from an to this email account to a specific worksapce within FO.

But now imagine the following scenario:

I have several folders on my IMAP Server.

Emails in these folders corresponds to FO projects handeld in workspaces
Folder1 corresponds to FO workspace1
Folder2 corresponds to FO workspace2
Folder3 corresponds to FO workspace3
Folder40 corresponds to FO workspace40

to get all these mails autoclassifed to the specific workspaces, I have to create 40 different email accounts in FO. Because it is not possible to copy an email account you have to enter all the informations 40 times.

It would be a really great feature if one would have the possibility to select a specific FO workspace for each IMAP folder in the email account dialog and not only one  workspace for all selected IMAP folders.

Best regards