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Topics - bpritchard

Pages: [1]
How To's / Customer permissions
« on: December 09, 2011, 03:36:27 pm »
We're using Feng Office 1.7.5 for our internal project management and so far its been great. I'm currently exploring allowing access to customers to review files and documents within our project but i had a question.

I've setup permissions for the customer to only view a few sections : Files, Notes, Web Links and Documents but when a customer logs in they are presented with the all the tabs across the top. Not a big deal because it seems they can't see the project specific data in them. But the big thing i was wanting to block is access to time information. I CAN block them from the time tab entirely but on the main overview page they are able to see the time allocated thus far in the Charts item. Again i can disable the charts item by default but they are able to turn it back on in their user preferences. Is there anyway I can permanently lock out customers from various areas or bits of information?

Also is it possible to lock them out from being able to adjust their user preferences?

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