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Messages - isimplifyva

Pages: [1]
I've searched the forums and am not finding anything like this.  When I create a milestone, it says it created it successfully, but it does not appear anywhere.  However, when I go to link an item to another item (ex. linking something to an email), I can see all of the milestones I created and have the option to link to them. 

I've checked all of the view settings, filters, etc. and don't see where I would be filtering it out.  Unless I'm missing something?

Thank you!

How To's / Billing report
« on: February 23, 2010, 03:32:52 am »
Okay, first of all, I think I discovered that Feng Office has an option in the task time recording section that allows me to assign a $ rate to that specific task - fabulous!  It's not perfect since I have to input it each time I start recording time for a task, but it's certainly doable and I'm grateful. 

Anyway, here's my question:

When I run the default billing report, the dollars decimal goes out too far - it looks silly and is confusing.  Is there a way to edit this?  From what I could tell, I could not a.) edit that report or b.) create a report just like it.

Help please?

Thank you!!

General Discussion / Re: Version 1.6 Review
« on: February 16, 2010, 03:39:41 pm »
Yay for capitalism!!!  :D

My husband is a web developer - I feel your pain.  This is a fabulous product that your team should be proud of.  I can't wait to see what you come up with in the future! 

How To's / Re: Feng Office on iPhone / Nexus One / smartphones
« on: February 16, 2010, 03:15:14 pm »
How fabulous would that be!   ;D

I was able to access my feng office on my iphone.  It's small, but it would do in a pinch.

Feature requests / Re: Is Feng Office going anywhere?
« on: February 16, 2010, 03:13:19 pm »
I've been trolling these forums for the last few days and I have to say I'm tremendously happy to see this thread and the subsequent responses from ConradO.  :)

I just discovered Feng Office a few days ago and have installed it on my site.  So far, I've been extraordinarily pleased.  I'm tickled to find an application (and believe me, I've tried dozens) that does what I need it to do in order to organize my Virtual Assistance business.  In my world, clients email tasks to me (frequently!) and it's ridiculously difficult to manage and stay on top of them all.  Not to mention the nightmare of trying to focus on just one client at a time when your inbox is littered with dozens of emails from different projects.

So on the feature requests, yes, I could stand a few of the features that folks have been asking for - I hope they come to pass in the near future.  I'm happy enough with this fabulous product that I'm willing to wait!

Thanks for all your company has accomplished, conrado.  :D  This VA is grateful.

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