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Topics - SiliconMind

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Feng Office 1 / Suggest box issues
« on: September 26, 2008, 11:41:00 am »
I can confirm, that when using Firefox 3.0.1 you CAN NOT use arrow keys to select items from OpenGoo's "suggest box". Absolutely nothing happens when i hit "down" key.
Could you specify the screen where this happens?

1. Create a new task.
2. Go to task details page
3. From "Actions" menu choose "Edit"
4. Expand "Tags".
5. Start typing in a textbox entitled "Tags".
Although suggestions does show below the box itself. Unfortunately i am unable to select any of these, neither by using cursor keys nor with a mouse. Up and Down arrow keys cause cursor to move inside the textbox itself. Up moves it to the beginning of a text, Down to it's end.

Feature requests / usability issues
« on: September 24, 2008, 11:10:47 am »
After using opengoo for about two weeks now i have some usability issues to report. Mainly I'm using opengoo for task management so I'll focus on that:

1. Every time i go back to the task's main page i have to expand task tree AGAIN. This is very annoying and time consuming. For example: I expand a milestone and it's sub-tasks and want to quickly check certain task's details - so i click the task and get the task details page. great, but when i close task details i go back to the tasks/milestones tree which is totally collapsed. So i have to again expand a milestone that i was interested in. When you want to browse through lots of milestones and tasks this is heavily annoying AND time consuming process.

2. tagging interface could be improved. now when i want to tag an object i get suggestions as i type. great, but these suggestions aren't selectable nor clickable, so i have to write the whole tag anyway. take a look at drupal's way of doing auto suggestions for textboxes: (take a look on left side of the page). It's just seamless and works great :)

3. Drag'n'drop reorganization of task tree would come in useful. now if i accidentally assign a sub-task to the wrong parent task, i have to click this new task details, then edit it, then click 'more' and then i can change it's parent and finally click on 'save changes'. that's hell lot of clicking :) again drupal has a great drag'n'drop interface for reorganizing items.

4. Object linking feature is great... but why you can't link to a sub-task? When you brows for objects to link (the "Select an object" dialog) and select tasks, only top level tasks are listed, but no sub-tasks. Also you can't filter objects in that dialog box. You can filter them by tags, you can filter them by workspaces but you can't filter by typing phrases (for example like you do in your normal mailbox to filter messages).

5. Sub-tasks are great. Really. Object linking is too. But sometimes it's not what one might need. Consider this: sometimes it happens that i have a two (or more) tasks, that require one sub-task to complete earlier. The problem is, that a sub-task can have only one parent. There is no way to solve this 'dependency issue' with current sub-task/object linking scheme.

6. I know it has been mentioned earlier... but i too think that graph for tasks is a must. There are some great charting libraries like Open Flash Chart: i use it and it is just great. I know that flash might not be welcome :( but still graphs for the task management module are really needed.

There are also few other issues that i've found:
7. Admin does not have an access to the private worksapaces! Why? You can set permissions to allow normal users access other user's private workspaces but admin is THE ONLY user that does not have an access to other users private workspaces in any way!

8. I've created a user in my main company. Then i've created second company, changed the user's profile to set his company to the newly created one. Changes have been saved and this user's account just disappeared! There were no way i could find his account. It was not listed on users list in the administration panel. I had to access it directly via link: /index.php?c=user&a=card&id=4

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