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Messages - rportinga

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How To's / Re: Dashboard Configuration
« on: January 29, 2009, 06:01:23 pm »
It had to be a mixed blessing of sorts for you guys... having a product like this that seems to be taking off so well for you, but that means more and more people with requests for new and better features.

Feature requests / Re: Shared calendar
« on: January 29, 2009, 05:55:46 pm »
Thanks Ignacio, you're just too on top things!

Feature requests / Re: Shared calendar
« on: January 28, 2009, 04:22:32 pm »
The ideal (at least for me,heh) would be the option for putting events on multiple workspaces.

See, I have a workspace set up for the company. I moved all of our users personal workspaces under that one. Right now, I've made the events for everyone open to everyone else. So if you have a meeting, you put it in your workspace and we all can see it either on your space, or as an overall view from the company one. That way we can see when others are available, or going to be out of the office, etc.

Company wide events, like an office meeting get put by someone on the company workspace.

Unfortunately, client meetings have to be double entered. Once in the company space, and again in the client space (since we don't allow clients access to our company space).

But... like I said, if we could add them to multiples, you put a meeting in your workspace, but also the company so others can see that you're busy at that time. And if it's a client meeting, being able to put it in all three workspaces would be very nice.

This way.. my calendar gives me an overview of my own events, the company one would give me an overview of everyones, and the client one would show me just the items pertaining to that client.

As I type this, I'm thinking an option to mark and event as "private" would be nice as well. Say I have a doctor's appointment or something.. I can put it on my workspace and the company workspace, but if I mark it private it just shows as "Private" or something in the company workspace.

Reason for that is it would allow others to know that I will be unavailable, but they don't necessarily need to know why.  did that make sense?

Feature requests / Re: document
« on: January 26, 2009, 01:29:25 pm »
Maybe I should start a different topic for this, but if the way tags work right now, they are barely more effective than subfolders.

They have a slight advantage in that .. well for example, I have Requests for Information, Draw Requests, and Submittals I keep track of for a construction project. I'm using tags of rfi, draw, and submittal to tags those documents or notes regarding those documents. (linking the notes to document is GREAT btw). I also use tags for the status; pending, approved, declined

Right now, if I look at notes with the status of pending I see all three items.. RFI, Submittals, Draws... what I would like to do is then click one of those tags, so I could see just the pending RFIs. (and this applies to any item, be it tasks, documents, notes, etc).

A good example of how this is done is JuxtaPhoto, which I use for a personal gallery - check out - those are all my photos tagged with the tag "blue ridge". It tells me these photos also contain at least one of five other tags; lo-res, mountains, places, va, and mabry mill. If I click one of those, say mabry mill it shows me the photos that match both those tags, and so-on.

This is one of the most effective implementation of tags I've ever used... and if this could be added to OpenGoo I believe it would really make tags a viable alternative to folders for sorting documents and such.

Feature requests / Re: Monitoring account activity...
« on: January 23, 2009, 04:21:39 pm »
eGroupware has a simple access log in the admin panel that would be a nice addition

it's got five columns
LoginID - IP Address logged in from - Login Time - Logout Time - total session time

There is only a logout time if you actually logout. Close the browser or otherwise just time out and it does not record a logout time, or a total session time.

If a failed login attempt happens it lists ID, IP, Login time, and under Logout time it says "bad login or password". this text is whatever is set for invalid login in the language file.

Feature requests / Re: document
« on: January 23, 2009, 10:44:04 am »
In practice, is using tags to sort documents really any different than folders?

I've been really diving in to this as part of a collaboration setup with a client on a $2million+ construction project and have been uploading copies of RFIs, Change Requests, etc... and initially was thinking..."geez, I wish I could sort this stuff in to folders so there's not just one long list of files."

But... I can. By assigning tags... I mean, thinking about it, what's the difference between going to a workspace, clicking the documents tab, then clicking a folder vs going to a workspace, clicking the documents tab, then clicking a tag?

Are we all just too .. conditioned to think of folders as the way to organize things?

And if that's the case... does OpenGoo want to buck that trend, or maintain it as a way of easing user transition to using a product like this?

Feature requests / Re: Breadcrumbs as it's own column
« on: January 16, 2009, 05:42:13 pm »
On version 1.2 there will be a config option to remember the state of the graphical interface. This was available on older versions (I think that around 0.8 ), but we removed it because we were having some problems that we attributed to bugs in that component. Now it will be optionally available, and we hope that with the feedback from the (now much greater) community we will be able to fix those bugs (if they exist).

Ah.. Ok, that makes sense. I could have sworn it was doing so for me when I first started using it... which was just a week or so before 1.0 came out.

Good to know I wasn't imagining things!

Feng Office 1 / Re: Linking to Multiple Contacts
« on: January 16, 2009, 05:39:28 pm »
yea, or just not let you highlight more than one. heh.

Feature requests / Breadcrumbs as it's own column
« on: January 16, 2009, 11:02:15 am »
this is sort of a question and an suggestion...

I used the code hack posted to put the workspace breadcrumbs after the name in contacts...  any chance of getting the file names/locations and changes to do the same in other areas?

which leads to my suggestion... what about making the workspace breadcrumbs it's own column? That way I can put it in the order I want, or remove it from view entirely.

And lastly, maybe this is a bug or just not a feature yet, but when I make changes to how I view columns, those changes don't seem to carry over from session to session. Would be nice if it would such stuff so I don't need to reset things every time.


Feng Office 1 / Linking to Multiple Contacts
« on: January 16, 2009, 10:54:42 am »
Not sure if this is a bug or what...

I had a note I wanted to link to two contacts. Clicked on "Link Objects" while viewing the note, and I was able to use ctrl-click to highlight both contacts, but when I clicked the OK button, only the first one I clicked on was linked.

Ideas / Re: Roadmap 2009 needed, yes?
« on: January 13, 2009, 03:04:43 pm »
Over in the dropbox forums, they just occasionally post a message that lists what they have coming up in the near term, mid-term, and long-term... and things have shifted.

so maybe it's just as simple as that, a list of what you guys have in mind, and maybe try to commit to updating say.. once or twice a month?

Then say there's a feature you have listed as long-term that gets a lot of favorable feedback, you can review it and see if you want to bump it up on the priority list.

Feature requests / Chronology of comments on notes
« on: January 13, 2009, 03:00:38 pm »
this is kind of minor, but being able to view "newest to oldest" vs the current "oldest to newest". Maybe make it switchable when viewing the note.. 

I have some notes with a number of comments added and would be nice to see the newest without having to scroll down all the time.

Ideas / Re: Roadmap 2009 needed, yes?
« on: January 12, 2009, 05:45:10 pm »
If nothing else it could serve the purpose of letting us users know what requests you guys are aware of and not aware of..

Ideas / Re: Palm Pre
« on: January 12, 2009, 05:43:21 pm »
From what I'm reading, the Pre and OpenGoo could be a perfect match for each other.

If I could sync my data right to my own install... that would way too slick.

Ideas / Palm Pre
« on: January 09, 2009, 12:26:13 pm »
I for one am really psyc'd about the Palm Pre announcement at CES yesterday. This phone looks like just about everything I'd be looking for.

Given it's webOS, I'm hoping when it comes out it will be very easy to access my OpenGoo data on a phone like that...

I may have to get back into programming more in order to help make it possible! heh.

I know iPhone is the "thing", but the Pre looks like it will be much better for actual business application.

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