Author Topic: Mailclient - Filters, automatic structure of workspaces on imap and other ideas  (Read 2574 times)


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Hi there,

the project is just awesome. But some things just need to be done for a productive and effective use. And one of those main things is filters. With filters you can automatically put emails into the right workspace, delete unwanted emails, mark certain mails as read, and so on. This would simplify things a lot.

Another thought of mine was to automatically create all neccessary workspaces on the imap account. So, you get a nice clean structure and don't have to clear up your account twice. And of course, there are mails you just don't need anymore. And you delete them. But Opengoo should then (if checked or whatever) delete those mails also in the imap folder. Also, when a mail comes in as already read it shouldn't be marked as unread again (I know, sometimes it really makes sense, but often it also doesn't. But for that we have settings  :) )

And a last little thought. When working with several members on one project every email should be available - but not every member has to read those emails. It would be nice, if you can define wheater emails marked as read should be also marked for all other members.

So, that were my latest thoughts. Maybe the one or other has some extending ideas. Why don't you leave a comment? Keep up the good work Opengoo.

see ya,