Author Topic: Fine grain timeslot management  (Read 2039 times)


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Fine grain timeslot management
« on: May 23, 2012, 10:32:50 pm »
tl;dr How can I set the permission of a user to manage its own timeslots but no other users timeslots. In other words, how can I restrict the access granted by "Can manage timeslots" system permission.

Hello, I'm a new user of feng.
I'm trying to set the permissions for the time management (I'm using the Community Edition). However, I found that others have similar problems before but get no answer (

So, my question is how can I assign a normal user the rights to modify and create its own timeslots, but not be able to modify others.

I try with the "Time" permission under "Module Permissions," but that make no difference. Moreover, the user cannot see the "Start work" and "Add work" buttons.

Then, I add the "System Permission" named "Can manage timeslots," which allows the user to see the "work" buttons and manage time, but now the user has access to all timeslots of all users.

How can I control this behavior with more detail?