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Messages - stenyak

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Demo is online
« on: August 15, 2008, 08:51:11 pm »
The other one, you are right, it should warn you or directly not allow you to edit it when someone is editing. Now there's the possibility to checkout the document so that no one else can edit it while you have it checked out. Maybe that should be done automatically always when editing the document. We'll think about it.
May i suggest the use of some merging tool? If no conflicts are found, automatically merge the changes. If conclicts are found, ask whether to rewrite the version of the other guy, or revert to his version (cancel one's changes).

Ideally, a versioning tool like svn/mercurial could be used... since there's already a filesystem storage backend (not just db backend). Just some suggestions :-)

Announcements / Re: Demo is online
« on: August 15, 2008, 03:20:59 pm »
Awesome, thanks.

Minor bugs:
- Concurrent edition of documents is not warned, last person saving overwrites the others' changes.
- When adding a new contact, and adding a company, the company list is not automatically refreshed, so it doesn't reflect the newly added compeny.

Are there plans for concurrent edition (a la google docs), and spreadsheet support?

General Discussion / Re: Alpha 0.3: And the third release is out!
« on: November 01, 2007, 01:25:17 pm »
Nice! Will there be an online demo in order to try it? I'm trying to install it locally, but the install fails due to no innoDB support.

General Discussion / Screenshots or demo
« on: October 11, 2007, 11:53:12 pm »
Hi... i'm not sure how mature this project is, but here are some suggestions:

-Put a screenshots or demo section, so that people can understand how the office looks easily at a glance.
-Put a features section, listing what opengoo can currently do (even if it's still pre-alpha and lacks maaany features).

That's all.. i think you can create more interest that way :-)

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