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Messages - Snoozer

Pages: [1]
Hello Feng Office Team,

so what are the new features planned for the next release?

thanks for your answer

in same web based suites you can answer with your email client and the answer will be shown in the web based suite.


then click on email integration for seeing the video

Always up to Date

Email is one of the best ways to keep up with the projects. That's why activeCollab® will send an email notification to project members when events such as new task creation, new comment or file version occure.

The content of notification emails can be customized by system administrators.

Incoming Mail

Since version 2, activeCollab® allows you to post a comment by replying on email notifications you received. If system receives a message that is not a reply to a notification, it will automatically create a new ticket or discussion based on it.

System that handles incoming messages has full support for reading files attached to them.

Email is Convenient

Everybody knows how to use email. By having ability to send and receive email it's more likely that your clients and employees will adopt the system. Instead of a sudden switch to a new way of working, they can continue to use the tools they are familar with.

Development / Re: Usability Improvement Login Screen
« on: May 27, 2010, 12:28:03 pm »
sounds great


Development / Re: Usability Improvement Login Screen
« on: May 27, 2010, 08:27:51 am »
Hi selyay,

ah okay, than i misunderstood you.

Nice that it is so easy. That was my intention.  i tried to follow this KISS rule:

Keep It Stupid Simple

Keep in mind: that is the first screen everybody (especially new users) do see. i dont want people to ask for their passwords, how they can change their language and so on.

it should just work out, and simplicity helps there a lot.

Other suggestions from other users?

I hope the FengOffice team will include it in the core.

I would do some more optimizations in the system inself afterwards..


Development / Re: Usability Improvement Login Screen
« on: May 27, 2010, 05:51:05 am »
Hi Selyay,

now i got mean something that gives you tips / hints about the features respectivly how they work in fengoffice.

thanks for your suggestion, but i think the login screen should be as clean as possible and these tips would irritate the user. besides, IMHO these tips arent often used...

you mentioned that the login screen isnt too clean. what do you mean in detail? any suggestions how to improve it, to make it even more cleaner?

thanks o lot for your feedback,


do you have the same situation:

in your organization an email client in combination with email servers (for example exchange server from microsoft) are heavily used for years.

so everybody uses outlook to write emails and the calendar for some kind of collaboration....

and people in your organization love outlook / the email client. because they know how to handle it. because they use it many years. because everything is configured and it works. perhaps even the IT staff is happy, because they don't want new systems. and because an email client of course is great.

so far so good....and now?

the email client in combination doesn't have all the features feng office does have.

the solution: force people not to use outlook any longer and totally use feng offices email module and calendar.

does that make sense? I think it's nearly impossible in an organization to do that, because of the reasons mentioned above.

so what to do now? let's discuss that do you use feng office in combination with your existing email / calender client?

the best thing would be if a user could answer to an email and automatically that integration would be in available in fengoffice. same for calendars...

an approach:

activecollab does have such i feature i guess...

so let's discuss it...i thrilled to hear how you combine these two worlds...


Development / Re: Usability Improvement Login Screen
« on: May 26, 2010, 06:17:12 am »
for "guest readers": you can see the screens only if you are logged in.

Development / Re: Usability Improvement Login Screen
« on: May 26, 2010, 05:23:02 am »
What do u mean with a "tip tracker"?

Development / Re: Usability Improvement Login Screen
« on: May 25, 2010, 08:16:33 am »
i would take this version (or the one before)

again, just made the fonts bold, rest is the same...

any comments?

Development / Re: Usability Improvement Login Screen
« on: May 25, 2010, 08:15:14 am »
changed the fonts of the link, rest is the same

Development / Re: Usability Improvement Login Screen
« on: May 25, 2010, 08:14:12 am »
here are the screens

Development / Re: Usability Improvement Login Screen
« on: May 25, 2010, 08:12:50 am »
okay these are the screens i developed.

sorry that always one is black and white, color information was left out while optimzing the pngs, but you get the impression anyway

here is what i did:

1. put the form field below each other, so the mouse doesnt need to be moved that much, also using the Tab key is now better ; align the form fields vertically is often better than horizontallay...

2. changed the wording from "Forget password" to "Lost your password?" (the same like in the Worpress login screen

3. changed the wording of the button from "Login" to "Log In" (but thats not necessary - it is used this way also in the wordpress login screen). of couse the button is now better "visible" because there are two words

4. changed the wording from "options" to "Show languagues" respectivly "Hide languages". I mean there arent more options, so why not telling the user what is behind the now he doesnt need to click it for getting to know what is behind

5. put the links "options" and "forgot password" out of the box und put it below. now the focus is on the 3 elements which are most important

6. If someone klicks the link "Show languages" the form field is shown above the "Log In" Button. besides the link then will be named "Hide Languages". If someone klicks the link "Hide languages" the form field for languages will of cource go away

7. i changed the fonts for these two link...i like the black bold one most...
thats it...

it shouldnt be difficult to implement it.

What do u think?


Development / Re: Usability Improvement Login Screen
« on: May 25, 2010, 06:39:03 am »
okay the first screens shows my approach to let the formular elements "username" and "password" to be positioned at the same place and put the other elements in different places...

but to say it right now, thats not my favorite one, i just wanted to show these screens too...

if you cant see the language selector the interface is better (screen1). but if you click the "options" button the interface isnt good anymore. because the login button is above the language selector....and because again the user sees to much information. focus should be - as i mentioned before, one the username and password formular element and on the login button...

i attached two screens, first one without the language selector, second one with it, when the user clicks the "options" link

Development / Usability Improvement Login Screen
« on: May 25, 2010, 06:06:49 am »

i found FO some days ago and i like it. It is the only pure open source system regarding project management.

i like the user interface a lot but as a am an UI designer i want to contribute to the project in those parts i think the UI needs an improvement.

i begin with the login screen.

i will post a screen which shows the login screen which is used right now and in that screen i have comments why i think there needs to be some optimization made.

improvements should be easily adopted by the FO team i think, its only some css


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