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Topics - FernandoR

Pages: [1]
Ideas / Web Spreadsheets: whats missing?
« on: May 27, 2009, 11:43:21 pm »
Hi everybody:

I, along with Juan Pedro and Ignacio are developing the Spreadsheet component for Opengoo.

This component is part of our final academic degree project and there are a few weeks ahead before we (finally!) finish it.
We are rounding up some functionalities, fixing bugs and writing the proper documentation.

We know that this project has created some expectation, but we have dedicated our time trying to design and develop something not only for academic porpouses but to keep improving it.

now, the topic subject :

Just like you, we have wonder many times: "what kind of feature I would like to use on my online spreadsheet, but none of the current applications have it?

We had some some ideas, but we'll love to hear yours

This thread is made to share ideas, be open-minded, let our creativity flow, discuss ideas and who knows, perhaps we all togheter can design a fresh new functionality and put it into use once the project is finished


Juan Pedro

General Discussion / OOXML and Opengoo
« on: April 23, 2008, 05:14:17 pm »
Hi everyone:

I presume you've heard about the standardization of Office Open "XML" by ISO.

So I was searching for this topic and I got to this page:

now I wonder: what do everyone think about this and the position opengoo should take towards this new format?


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