Feng Forum

Other Topics => Development => Security => : andy.hoyle June 25, 2009, 11:04:35 AM

: Allow Non Admin Access to Administration Area
: andy.hoyle June 25, 2009, 11:04:35 AM
I have groups:


My Managers (Group ID: 10000001) could not get into admin area because they were not admin - even though I had given this group permission to create their own workspaces.

application/models/groups/Group.class.php - line 14:
++ const CONST_MANAGER_GROUP_ID = 10000001;
appication/models/users/Users.class.php - line 279:
-- $this->is_administrator = GroupUsers::isUserInGroup($this->getId(),Group::CONST_ADMIN_GROUP_ID );
++ $this->is_administrator = GroupUsers::isUserInGroup($this->getId(),Group::CONST_ADMIN_GROUP_ID ) ||
GroupUsers::isUserInGroup($this->getId(),Group::CONST_MANAGER_GROUP_ID );

My managers now have an Admin link and can only see the Workspace Icon in Administration area
