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Messages - furins

Pages: [1]
Thanks Conrado,

I don't k know what to do. Maybe I'm wrong but to me "place"/"space", "spazio" seems too generic, or vague. I understand that the workspace is meant to be generic, far more than a "project" that shows a clear and focused scope.  But I fear that an Italian user will get confused... Even in English the word is "work-space", thus indicating a precise function to that space.

I've looked for similar terms in widely diffused applications and in wikipedia. The common solution is to leave the term in English (workspace) or to translate it as "Spazio di lavoro" or "Area di lavoro".

I've looked then at OpenGoo, looking if a long string, like "Spazio di lavoro" would generate problems with the layout (overflows, text displacement) but the application seems to adapt without any difficult.

imho the longer, translated version "Spazio di lavoro" shows the highest probability to be understood even by the occasional user, but it's just my opinion. I feel like another translation exist, a nice one, but I cannot find it. I need more time to think at that, I guess.

In the meantime I will leave the term "workspace" untranslated, maybe Digitmaster has another suggestion?

Ciao scusa se non mi sono fatto vivo prima...

allora, i file sono 13, li trovi in language\en_us. assicurati di avere l'ultima versione disponibile, probabilmente oggi o domani uscira' la 1.0. Di questi io ho già tradotto:


usando dove possibile gli standard per la traduzione usati dalla comunità italiana di Drupal (

La parola che mi ha dato più problemi è workspace, che per ora ho tradotto come "Spazio di lavoro" ma che sinceramente non mi entusiasma molto come traduzione. "Progetto" sarebbe più sensato, ma il gruppo di sviluppo ha pensato a questi workspaces come a un contenitore decisamente più ampio, quindi non va bene comunque. Quasi quasi lo lascerei in inglese ...

il prossimo file su cui lavorerò sarà messages.php, poi administration.php
scegli uno tra quelli che mancano (emails, project_interface ...) e fammi sapere come va. se hai bisogno di una mano sono qui  ;)

ciao e grazie!

Ciao Digitmaster,
il tuo aiuto è sicuramente gradito!

puoi aiutarmi in due modi:
  • se non ti spaventa l'idea -e se hai tempo- potremmo spartirci i file che ancora restano da tradurre. Sono file in PHP che contengono solo un array. Bisognerebbe tradurre il testo in inglese che appare a destra (se scrivo cose scontate scusami  ;)). Se pensi di potermi aiutare in questo ti indicherò quali file mi mancano da tradurre e alcune convenzioni che ho adottato.
  • nel frattempo sto lavorando anche al codice di internazionalizzazione di opengoo, cioè sto scrivendo una piccola parte del programma che consenta di tradurre il testo senza dover modificare i file php. In questo modo non sarà necessario conoscere un linguaggio di programmazione per tradurre, ma si lavorerà da una comoda interfaccia. Se preferisci aspettare questa interfaccia ti terrò aggiornato non appena sarà pronta. (potrebbe volerci anche un mese però, sono un po'lento)

decidi tu cosa è meglio, ma intanto... grazie mille!

Components / Re: Translation interface plugin
« on: October 30, 2008, 03:28:21 pm »
I tried

It seems really easy (at least from the user side) and it includes the possibility to suggest improvements to existing translations. If you want to use launchpad, it will be necessary to write a php function that gets the translation from the .po files (the gettext ones). I'm sure the function already exists, and in any case it is trivial to write it.

Anyhow I think that using gettext file format will open you to a plethora of great tools to simplify the work to translators, so it will be THE solution independently of the interface used to insert new translations.

The extjs translation is quite different, but I guess it is possible
  • to generate a js at runtime, then to cache it  OR
  • to write a small script that collects the translations and builds a new lang.js every time a new release is published
maybe other solutions exists, however.

Please consider me if you need somebody to write/test the mentioned code!

If core developers will ever accept it!  ;D

Not joking now: if somebody is interested helping me or if he is working as well on an italian translation, please contact me!

My status: approximatively 50% of the text translated, no releases yet (waiting to complete all OpenGoo 1.0 strings).

=== Now for italians only  ;) ===

A tutti gli affezionati utenti di questo grande programma: presto sarà disponibile una versione tutta italiana. Chiunque abbia richieste specifiche è libero di contattarmi (anche postando qui sotto un commento)!

La traduzione sarà compatibile con la versione 1.0, ma non uscirà il 31 Ottobre perchè non ce la faccio proprio !!!  ::)

Aspettatela a giorni, comunque!

Feng Office 1 / Re: Files properties page
« on: October 27, 2008, 11:56:40 am »
removing the "{" or the "}" solves the problem only partially and, in fact, it rises another bug. to correct this problem please check the reply I wrote here:

and remember to restore the curly brackets ("{ }") if you removed one of them: they're necessary!

Feng Office 1 / Re: problem with comments
« on: October 27, 2008, 11:40:28 am »
you're welcome!

for the sake of completeness, and hoping to save you time, I'd like to report another small bug related to the same kind of error  ::):

I think the only other place you forgot to use the "<?php" entry-tag is in application/views/task/index.php
at line 158 - (title="<? echo lang('print')?>").

This causes to erroneusly print "<? echo lang('print')?>" instead of localized  "print" in PHP5 (or, at least, with my php.ini configuration file), but ok - this is a very insignificant issue! nobody will never note it  :D

all the best!

General Discussion / I absolutely love this project!
« on: October 27, 2008, 07:57:48 am »
just that... I needed to say that to somebody .....  ;D

I discovered this project today and I like everything of it! it fitted my needs perfectly and the one of my company too!

I hope to send you soon a complete italian localization, in the meanwhile ... congratulations to all developers involved in this great project!

ciao ciao

Feng Office 1 / Re: Internal server problem error
« on: October 27, 2008, 07:43:41 am »
I've got similar errors (see also problem with comments topic in the bugs forum)

the solution is simple

change, in application/views/comment/object_comments.php
at line 57
Code: [Select]
</td><? $object_links_renderwith
Code: [Select]
</td><?php $object_links_render
when starting a php code area with the old-style "<?" tag will cause the tag to close at the next "->" chars, then when accessing $comment methods. Without this patch if..then nesting errors will occour when accessing objects (tasks) or adding comments to them.

hope this solve the issue!


Feng Office 1 / Re: problem with comments
« on: October 27, 2008, 07:39:28 am »
I've got similar errors (see also Internal server problem error topic in the bugs forum)

the solution is simple

change, in application/views/comment/object_comments.php
at line 57
Code: [Select]
</td><? $object_links_renderwith
Code: [Select]
</td><?php $object_links_render
reason: when starting a php code area with the old-style "<?" tag will cause the tag to close at the next "->" chars, then when accessing $comment methods.

hope this help!  ;)

Pages: [1]