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Messages - digitmaster

Pages: [1]
Hi all,

I would suggest to leave "workspace" untranslated. It's a word for a concept that exists in the mind of project developers.
IMO I don't feel and I don't need (as italian native) to find a semantic substitution.



direi di andare avanti con il lavoro in corso. Traduciamo i files in php.
Quanti sono? Che standard stai usando?

Feature requests / Is it possible to create a recycle bin?
« on: October 31, 2008, 02:22:30 pm »
Hi all!
It's really a great web application. Is it possible to have a recycle bin?
Could it have rules (restore by deleter, by admin, by group members) and could  be the "empty" action governed by rules?


Great! If u need some help...Letme know. Bye.


Grande! Se ti serve aiuto...Fammi sapere. Ciao.

Pages: [1]