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Messages - Fronz

Pages: [1]
Installation problems / Re: An error ocurred while saving the document
« on: January 12, 2009, 05:46:06 am »
Happy new Year, Folk's  \o/

Sorry for my silence. I don't have enough time to try to resolve this problem last month :-(

For my problem :
I don't have any folder in "upload"
Only a file "attributes.php"

Installation problems / Re: An error ocurred while saving the document
« on: December 15, 2008, 12:03:21 pm »
> Uploads are saved to the 'upload' folder. Is that folder writable?

All folders are writeable for www-data.

For test, I set upload folder to 777 (writeable for all) but i've always the same error.
When i try to upload a file i've error below :
Failed to create folder '/var/web/'

Installation problems / Re: An error ocurred while saving the document
« on: December 15, 2008, 10:31:18 am »
Hello Ignacio,

Thank's for your help.

> Who's the owner user of files and folders in OpenGoo?
The owner is www-data and the web server is running under www-data account.

If i make a
# chmod 777 www/public/files
(i think it's the correct folder, no!?)
there is no change.

Best regards

Installation problems / An error ocurred while saving the document
« on: December 13, 2008, 06:10:33 am »

I installed OpenGoo smoothly on an Debian stable server. All folder were "writeable" (755). Public/Files also

When I try to save a document or a presentation I have the dialogue box
"An error ocurred while saving the document"

Can anyone help me?

Best regards

Français / Re: OpenGoo 1.1 beta déjà en français !
« on: December 11, 2008, 10:29:54 am »
Bonjour oxydum, bonjour à tous

Tout d'abord bravo pour le travail effectué.

OpenGoo l'installation s'est déroulée "out of box" et la francisation idem.

Alors ma question. Comment t'aider ? Est-il possible d'envisager un outil collaboratif, type wiki, afin de te signaler les petites fautes (je n'ai pas encore testé ton dernier zip) ?


Pages: [1]