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Messages - Kareed

Pages: [1]
Development / Re: How to setup parameter input for a plugin?
« on: March 18, 2016, 01:50:55 am »
I figured it out and it was easy.  It just took a long time to figure that out.

All you need to do is add a new value into the config_options table.  The category name appears to be where the item will show in the settings.  I used general and it showed up under the general settings.  Create a name for the variable, I used timeclock_url.  Specify the type of interface, I used StringConfigHandler to get a textfield.  The text for the field is specified in the language lang.php file.

I was adding a timeclock tab so in the lang.php file I put the following information.
   'config option name timeclock_url'=>'Time Clock URL',
   'config option desc timeclock_url'=>'Enter in the url for the timeclock.',

I created a file mysql_initial_data.php in the folder install/sql to add the config_options entry on the installation of the plugin.  This file added the entry to the database.

Hope this helps.

Development / How to setup parameter input for a plugin?
« on: March 14, 2016, 03:02:12 am »
I want to start playing with making plugins.  I have created a tab to display a external webpage but I would like to have the website configurable from the settings panel without it being hard coded into the plugin.  How would I go about doing that?  I can't find any information on adding this type of capability.


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