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Topics - onkeltem

Pages: [1]
Ideas / Change staff?
« on: November 13, 2011, 05:18:47 pm »

I'm extending FO now, and I see something so stupid in the code, that I can't think of those who was creating it as of smart persons. But the most stupid thing I've seen today and just "fixed" is "varchar(255)" datatype for the max length of custom properties!!!

Not only you store different types in the same string field, neither you provide good formatters (CCKed for example) for the memo fields, you also strip user's data. Why in heavens you do this? Or perhaps you get paid when saving space in the database?? Did you hear about TEXT datatype?

Lack of ability to extend really sucks too. How did you manage to use MVC but forget to allow ppl to extend it?
You are mixing CSS with HTML and with LOGIC.
You use CSS completely lacking logical structuring, making advanced theming almost impossible.
You using classes not by their meaning, but by applied formatting.

L10N part is dumb too, not allowing to perform handy translation, not knowing what the plurals is. Did you hear about PO, guys?

Surprises on every step, guys!

Anyway, I want to thank you for the product. It is good anyways, just... UGLY inside.

Getting Started / Mass assign tasks to a workspace
« on: June 28, 2011, 05:27:16 am »
I want to move many tasks into sub workspace, but see no way to do this.
For example, I can mass assign a tag, but not a workspace.
Did I miss something?

The reason why I have to move tasks: initially, we used Tags for marking some tasks as requiring extra billing. I excepted to filter such tasks in Total Time Execution Report but it neither contain Tag field, nor it allows to do any customization. Thats why I want to move tasks in subworkspace created for such additional tasks.

Getting Started / 'Group by tag' doesn't work
« on: June 28, 2011, 05:20:34 am »
I have taks assigend to different tags, but when I select Group By: Tag view, all tasks go under Untagged group.

Feature requests / Save tasks tree expansion state
« on: June 22, 2011, 05:45:27 am »
Hi all,

I'd like to have FO to save tasks tree state after visiting a task. Currently, when I close a task's window the tree is resetted and is shown in its initial state with all tasks collapsed, while it would be more convitient to see the tree in the state from where the task was opened.

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