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Topics - Knut

Pages: [1]
I have created a simple custom report to see any tasks that are tagged with "FAQ". This works fine as long as I do not filter the report by workspaces (workspace in the report is set to root). When I try to filter the report by different workspace or even let the user choose one by parameter I got no results.

To reproduce add a custom task report, set the workspace as parameter and include any tag used in your application as static param. On execution choose any parent workspace of your task that you would expect to see in the result list (different from root) and generate the report.

It seems that the reporting module does not dive into subworkspaces because when I select the workspace that my task is assigned to the task appears correctly in the result list.

(Fengoffice 1.6.2)

Older versions / Anchor links doesn't work inside of opengoo
« on: October 16, 2009, 12:16:49 pm »
Linking to anchors inside a html document has no effect when I view the document inside the opengoo environment, meaning clicking on that link makes not a jump to the anchor.

When I download the document and view it directly in a browser the links work fine. Even when I use the PDF plugin and create and view a PDF.

When I assign permissions via administration->groups->edit group->... everything works fine except the comment permission. No Member of the group can post comments to any object except in his own personal workspace. The group should have all permissions for several workspaces except the two can_assign permissions and the global system permissions.

When I assign permisions to single users via administration->users->... it works. The particular user can post comments to objects correctly.

Feature requests / Possibility to save reports
« on: October 06, 2009, 10:03:02 am »
Reports can be printed only.

It would be very useful if they can be exported as Excel, CVS, OOO calc or so.

More, a simple saving-to-local(opengoo)-document module would be even better. From the document module the reports could be exported/saved then.

Background: An accounting manager in a company works often with different reporting tools and she needs the possibility to merge reports from different sources. Also she don't like to generate reports again and again if she like to review reports from the past.

(Sorry for my bad english)


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