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Messages - jemisond

Pages: [1]
How To's / Re: Help with templates
« on: July 26, 2012, 02:42:37 pm »
I agree! I just started going through the process to take advantage of this powerful feature and found that it's not quite finished. :)

Feature requests / Re: Order Tasks by Last Comment Date
« on: July 25, 2012, 06:54:30 pm »
+1 to this request!

Also, would like to be able to see the reverse order for the standard "Order by" options. In other words, sort by "Created on" in reverse (show the most recently created tasks first).

Ideas / add comment when re-assigning a task
« on: July 25, 2012, 04:05:52 pm »
To assign a task back to someone else, it looks like the only way is to edit the task. But I can't see any place to enter a note regarding the reason for assigning the task back. So you need to post a comment before or after re-assigning the task. This creates double work and also removes a clear connection between the 2 events in the history (1 entry for editing the task and a separate entry for the comment).

What I liked about the program used at my previous company is that the comment edit section allows you to re-assign the task to someone else on the same screen. Any comment you write is also be included in the e-mail notification to the assignee. The history also shows each time the task was re-assigned, including by whom and to whom, unlike Feng Office that gives an un-descriptive "edited the task."

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