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Messages - lachemou

Pages: [1]
Feng Office 3 / Multiple problems with feng office 3.0.7
« on: February 26, 2015, 04:32:49 am »
Hello, i have just installed a fresh feng office 3.0.7 and i have multiple problems :

1) Search engine, didn't work, when i click on a result i have an error message : You don't have permissions to access requested page (i'm admin, it's works in super admin)

2) Search engine have a problem with accent : sometimes accent disappear sometimes accent is replace with strange character  :

3) Search engine : i cannot search text with accent, no result (maybe same problem as 2) )

4) If i switch interface in French, i cannot edit preferences of a document and i cannot create a new task.

Getting Started / Try feng to replace google drive
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:35:40 am »

I'm testing Feng Office to replace Google drive. (just for documents)
I'm very happy with feng but i would like to save my documents in a different location to have a backup (in case of crash)
Is it possible to backup my documents in other place ? with a cron ?

Thanks a lot

Français / Recherche solution de sauvegarde de documents
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:12:55 am »
Bonjour @ tous,
J'utilisais auparavant google drive pour ma gestion documentaire et je souhaitais une alternative.
Je suis donc entrain de tester Feng qui répond en parti à mes besoins.

Il me manque la partie "sauvegarde" de mes documents.
Je souhaite pouvoir exporter les documents de Feng dans un répertoire afin d'avoir une copie en cas de crash du serveur Feng.
Y a t il une possibilité d'automatisé cette tache ?

Merci d'avance

Pages: [1]