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Messages - FuturepIlot

Pages: [1]
Installation problems / Re: 3.4.1 failed in import initial data
« on: April 02, 2016, 10:10:02 pm »

This is related to the way MySql is configured. Could you check this?
The problem is produced when you insert a log and do not specify a column. If this column does not have a default value defined on the table, it fails.

You can check this so that it only gives you a warning instead of an error in these cases.

Hope this helps  :)


Removing STRICT_TRANS_TABLES from slq_mode in my.cnf seems to have worked around this issue. However I think the real problem is Feng Office has poor quality code that needs fixed.

Installation problems / 3.4.1 failed in import initial data
« on: March 31, 2016, 10:26:47 am »
Going through the installation process it fails on the last step with the error
Code: [Select]
Failed to import initial data. MySQL said: Field 'description' doesn't have a default value
Does anyone test the installer on these releases? How is almost every release so broken?

Installation problems / Re: [] Installer can't import sql data
« on: March 28, 2016, 04:49:44 pm »
Hi FuturepIlot and Lupu,

This is related to the way MySql is configured. Could you check this?
The problem is produced when you insert a log and do not specify a column. If this column does not have a default value defined on the table, it fails.

You can check this so that it only gives you a warning instead of an error in these cases.

Best regards,

What am I checking exactly?

Installation problems / Re: [] Installer can't import sql data
« on: February 08, 2016, 01:05:44 am »
I'm running into the same problems you are on Debian. The installer seems very broken. How exactly did you fix it?

Installation problems / Re: [] fresh install cannot create workspace
« on: February 08, 2016, 01:04:18 am »
I'm having the same problem with a fresh install on Debian 8. Can you tell me how you modified the table? I'm not the best with MySQL.

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