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Messages - alvarotm01

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Older versions / Re: [1.6beta] Bug creating a Company
« on: October 28, 2009, 10:42:49 am »

To fix that, replace line 382 of '/application/models/companies/Company.class.php' with this one

Code: [Select]
return  can_manage_contacts(logged_user()) || $user->isAccountOwner() || $user->isAdministrator() || can_add($user, $project, get_class(Companies::instance()));


Now I could reproduce the error, to fix it you also have to replace line 447 of '/application/views/task/add_task.php' with
Code: [Select]
wsTree.previousValue = <?php echo $project instanceof Project $project->getId() : 0 ?>;
and line 1650 of '/application/controllers/TaskController.class.php' with
Code: [Select]
else continue;

Older versions / Re: [1.6 beta] Upgrade from 1.5.3 failed
« on: October 26, 2009, 03:08:15 pm »
That image seems to be a company logo, contact photo or user's avatar.

Run these sql queries in your DB, one of these will return the registry that contains that picture.
Code: [Select]
SELECT * FROM `og_users` WHERE `avatar_file` = '7db4b721fff9bfb26e055b846afb31e0f03f7622.png'
Code: [Select]
SELECT * FROM `og_contacts` WHERE `picture_file` = '7db4b721fff9bfb26e055b846afb31e0f03f7622.png'
Code: [Select]
SELECT * FROM `og_companies` WHERE `logo_file` = '7db4b721fff9bfb26e055b846afb31e0f03f7622.png'

After you found the registry you must set the value of the image id column to ''
(image id column is 'avatar_file' for users table, 'picture_file' for contacts table, 'logo_file' for companies table).

After doing this, the upgrade script will not try to find that file.


Older versions / Re: Private milestone
« on: October 26, 2009, 02:49:24 pm »
That option is not used actually.
It shouldn't be shown, so in next releaseit will be removed from the milestone view.


Try replacing line 112 of '/application/views/task/add_task.php' with this one

Code: [Select]
<?php echo '<div style="float:left;">' .select_project2('task[project_id]'$project instanceof Project $project->getId() : 0$genid) .'</div>'?>


this is fixed in version 1.6


Older versions / Re: Email Drafts - attachments
« on: October 26, 2009, 10:02:42 am »
Hi Betty,

this is fixed in version 1.6


Can you enable the debug mode?
With debug mode enabled, a detailed error message will be shown instead of the error 500, it will be easier for us to find the problem if you provide us the error message shown when you try to edit.

To enable debug mode you have to edit 'conig/config.php', at the definition of the DEBUG constant, change its value to true.
Code: [Select]
define('DEBUG', true);

please tell us when you get the error detail.

Older versions / Re: [1.6 beta] Upgrade from 1.5.3 failed
« on: October 26, 2009, 09:47:45 am »
Hi Werner,

after restoring the backup, you should also restore the 'upload' folder, then run the upgrade.

That 'FileNotInRepositoryError' is thrown when a file exists in the database but it doesn't exists in the 'upload' folder.



this bug is fixed for next release,
if you want to fix it in your installation you have to replace line 165 of /application/controllers/FeedController.class.php with these lines:
Code: [Select]
if ($inc_sub)
$pids = Projects::findById($cal)->getAllSubWorkspacesQuery(true, $user);
else $pids = $cal;


The user must have permissions over the task's workspace to appear in the subscribers list.
Try giving permissions to that user, and then unsubscribe him.

Did you removed user permissions over that ws after the user was subscribed to the task?

it is a bug, and will be fixed in next release.
if you want to fix it in your installation you have to:

- replace lines 790-791 of /application/controllers/EventController.class.php with:
Code: [Select]
if (can_read_type($user, $w, 'ProjectEvents')) {
- replace line 21 of /application/views/object/add_subscribers.php with
Code: [Select]
$canRead = can_read_type($u, $ws, $type);
- replace line 22 of /application/views/object/add_subscribers_list.php with
Code: [Select]
$canRead = can_read_type($u, $ws, $type);

Older versions / Re: BUG: Importing / Exporting Contacts / Companies
« on: August 31, 2009, 12:43:41 pm »
Points 1) and 4) are fixed.
Also added "company field" when importing and exporting contacts.
When importing, if this field is checked, the matched value will be serarched in the companies table looking for a company with that name.
If there is one, the contact is linked to it, if not then the company is created with this name and taking information from the contact's work fields.

This will be available in next release.


this will be fixed in next release.

if you want to fix it in your installation, you have to replace lines 66-73 of /application/controllers/MailController.class.php
with these ones:
Code: [Select]
$re_info = $this->build_original_mail_info($original_mail);
$pos = stripos($re_body, "<body");
$pos = stripos($re_body, ">", $pos);
if ($pos !== FALSE) {
$re_body = substr($re_body, 0, $pos+1) . $re_info . substr($re_body, $pos+1);
} else {
$re_body = $re_info . $re_body;

Also you have to replace lines 1165-1174 of the same file with these ones
Code: [Select]
$body = $original_mail->getBodyHtml() == '' ? $original_mail->getBodyPlain() : $original_mail->getBodyHtml();

$fwd_info = $this->build_original_mail_info($original_mail);
$pos = stripos($body, "<body");
$pos = stripos($body, ">", $pos);
if ($pos !== FALSE) {
$fwd_body = substr($body, 0, $pos+1) . $fwd_info . substr($body, $pos+1);
} else {
$fwd_body = $fwd_info . $body;
Have to replace in 2 places because this was also happening when forwarding mails.


Older versions / Re: Repeating events, Holiday style
« on: August 28, 2009, 03:44:36 pm »
No, only 1st to 4th, for now.
If you select to repeat holiday and pick a date that is a 5th Sunday, opengoo will assume that the event repeats the 4th Sunday.

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