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Messages - the_don

Pages: 1 [2]
Announcements / Re: OpenGoo 1.0 is out!
« on: December 02, 2008, 04:39:25 pm »
great work.
when is the next major release planned?

Nederlands / Re: Aanvullingen en suggesties
« on: December 02, 2008, 04:35:20 pm »
zie andere post:
de office addin mis ik die ik wel wel bij betaalde alternatieve heb.
hiermee kan ik direct naar bijvoorbeeld sharepoint opslaan.

er schijnt wel iemand mee bezig te zijn

Nederlands / Re: Ervaringen met OpenGoo
« on: December 02, 2008, 04:33:26 pm »
Erg tevreden.
wel af en toe flink wat errors.
en de backup werkt nog niet.
Maar dit zou ook nog aan mijn hosting provide kunnen liggen.

het is een perfect  alternatief voor dingen zoals live link (open text) en share point.
ik mist nog wel een addin voor word/excel/powerpoint zodat ik direct kan opslaan vanuit die applicatie richting Goo.

Maar het schijnt dat er wel iemand aan iets dergelijk werkt. :D

Feng Office 1 / Error with everything
« on: December 02, 2008, 03:12:30 pm »
I am recievening allkinds of errors while using goo.
Loading Emails
Loading File list
Loading Calander

sometimes it works fine for days
Other times i will get error after error after error.

despite that it is still a great product.
And the pricing is great ;-)

By the i am hosting this in my webprovider
MYsql database and Apache webserver all this on a linux base (not relevant')

<?php die(); ?>

Session "default" started at 2008-12-02T15:34:05+0000

#1 ERROR: Error: Undefined variable: project_templates_array in '/home/' on line 30 (error code: 8)

#2 ERROR: Error: Undefined variable: all_templates_array in '/home/' on line 31 (error code: 8)

Time since start: 0.741524219513 seconds


Session "default" started at 2008-12-02T17:57:28+0000

#1 ERROR: Error: Undefined variable: project_templates_array in '/home/' on line 30 (error code: 8)

#2 ERROR: Error: Undefined variable: all_templates_array in '/home/' on line 31 (error code: 8)

Time since start: 0.589375972748 seconds


Session "default" started at 2008-12-02T17:58:13+0000

#1 ERROR: Error: Undefined variable: project_templates_array in '/home/' on line 30 (error code: 8)

#2 ERROR: Error: Undefined variable: all_templates_array in '/home/' on line 31 (error code: 8)

Time since start: 2.91230297089 seconds


WHO can help me is this something in goo?
Ow and i can't make a backup using the backup button.
The action is canceled.

Session "default" started at 2008-12-02T18:10:45+0000

#1 ERROR: Error: filectime() [<a href='function.filectime'>function.filectime</a>]: stat failed for tmp/backup/ in '/home/' on line 50 (error code: 2)

#2 ERROR: Error: Undefined variable: date in '/home/' on line 55 (error code: 8)

Time since start: 0.548692941666 seconds


What am i doing wrong????

How To's / Re: Add-in??
« on: December 02, 2008, 12:25:46 pm »
that would be nice keep us posted

How To's / Add-in??
« on: November 23, 2008, 12:17:58 pm »
In the past i have used share point. microsoft workspace and opentext live link.
All of does in find to be heavy. Open Goo is perfect.
However I am missing one thing.
Is it at all possible to have an add in for office so jou can save to a workspace in open goo straight from word or excel.

If you guys (and Gals) could add that you would score a perfect 10 with me.


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