Feng Office in your language > Français

Official translation to French

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Here you will be able to get the latest official translation to French.

If you want to help translating to French please read the official translation procedure.

The official French translator is Oxydum.

The latest available version is 1.6-beta3.

Hi Ignacio,

 This translation file has been already published here :

  We are often  looking at what's wrong and never what's a very formidable adventure to share such a product. Take care also at this.  :)

  The goal is in the next step. No one shall walk outside the road.  ::)

Yes, but we have created one of this posts for every language so as to standardize where translation files are to be found. On every forum for a language there will be a sticky post entitled "Official translation to..." that will contain the latest translation for that language. When you make modifications to your translation files please post them here so that I get notified and I update the attachment on the first post. We are still defining some details about this procedure, that's why I haven't notified official translators about this yet, but will soon do. :) What's your opinion about this change?

It's amazing to drive translations thru the forum instead of thru a dedicated OpenGoo system, but I agree with the idea that the international community must go ahead together to produce their contributions to OpenGoo. Imho, the forum is so not a bad way to achieve this goal.  :P

I made some modifications on french translation, I give you my language file :)


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