Author Topic: New Installation - results in blank page from opengoo/public/install  (Read 2240 times)


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Hello all,

I am attempting a new installation with 1.5.2 and the following php, mysql, and apache:

Apache 2.2.13
PHP 5.2.9
MySQL 5.0.81

After unpacking the opengoo folders, I navigate to the installation url - . However, I receive a server error which I assume is some sort of exception which is caught, but I don't have any information in a log or in the html source.

The resulting webpage simply says <!-- SHTML Wrapper - 500 Server Error --> .

I have tried to turn the debug option on by setting the debug option in the config.php (e.g. define('DEBUG', true); ) However, the cache directory empty.

Any ideas on the root cause of this problem or how to put more information to a log?

Thanks in advance.