Author Topic: [1.6.2] tasks not showing up somewhere + unable to archive completed milestones  (Read 5247 times)


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[ I'm moving the topic from Feature Requests to here ]


I get an annoying behavior in the "Tasks" tab. I can't figure out whether it's a bug, or I do not understand some principle behind it, but I could not reflect it anywhere in the docs, so I speculate for the former :)

This is what happens: I select the "Tasks" tab. The "All" workspace (super root) is selected. The Tasks pane has the selectors set as follows: Filter: --No filter--; Status: All; Group by: Milestone; Order by: Priority.

The bug is what follows: milestones are all displayed, but some of their tasks are not. If I click on the milestone, the "milestone details" page opens and shows tasks in it.

This happens with several milestones, but I can't figure out a "rule" or "pattern" for it. Tasks are hidden (in the tasks pane, but shown in the milestone details again) regardless of being "open" or "completed", and same for the milestone status. It should not be a workspace issue, as all tasks share the exactly same workspace as the milestone.
I suppose this is not a permissions problem either, as my user has all perms on all workspaces.

I don't know how to investigate this further, and I'm pretty available for it because I want real bad to fix this problem :) Feel free to contact me privately for screenshots or else.

Any tip?


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After further observation, this behavior appears to occur for "Archived" items.

For example, you can select a milestone and all of its tasks on the "Tasks" pane, then click the "Archive" button. All the tasks are "moved" to "Archived objects", and disappear from the Tasks pane. The Milestone, instead, is not (ie, it does *not* show up in the Archived objects pane, and does remain in the Tasks pane).

I couldn't tell whether this is a choice or a little bug (milestones not being archived), but it is a bit confusing to have very old milestones appearing there, empty, along with the new ones. Also, "+ Add task" shows up for them, and you can successfully enter tasks clicking there. However, such tasks are then displayed in the "Unassigned" category. Subjectively, I'd say this is a bit confusing and moving the Mileston too to the archive would be best.


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It's a design problem. The checkbox next to a milestone is for selecting all tasks contained in it, as it also happens when you group by another category (tags, workspaces). Actions you perform after clicking on a milestone's checkbox affect all tasks but not the milestone.

I think one possible solution to this design problem would be to change the checkbox for a "Select All" link that changes to "Select None" when all tasks are selected. I'm not sure about where to place it.

What confuses me about your last post is when you say that after archiving all tasks of a milestone, when you add new tasks they are placed on the unassigned category. I don't get that behavior.


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I think one possible solution to this design problem would be to change the checkbox for a "Select All" link that changes to "Select None" when all tasks are selected. I'm not sure about where to place it.

As a user, if I see a checkmark next to an object, whatever it is, I understand I'm operating on that object too. That is, having "meta checkbox"es (ones that merely trigger other checkboxes) is not the directly intuitive understanding.
So yes, I think your suggestion would make it. One possibility is that you leave it as-is (layout), but let the Milestone checkbox a "regular" checkbox as well (one that selects the object):
#state 0: Milestone + all tasks DEselected
--click milestone-->
#state 1: milestone AND all tasks Selected
--click milestone-->
#state 3: Milestone deselected, all tasks selected
--click milestone-->
#state 0

I guess the last transition is probably of rare use, so it could be left apart.

What confuses me about your last post is when you say that after archiving all tasks of a milestone, when you add new tasks they are placed on the unassigned category. I don't get that behavior.

I confirm this (resp to version 1.6.2). I can send you a sequence of screenshots, contact me via email.


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It's a design problem. The checkbox next to a milestone is for selecting all tasks contained in it, as it also happens when you group by another category (tags, workspaces). Actions you perform after clicking on a milestone's checkbox affect all tasks but not the milestone.

Let me clarify the context here:

Yes, the problem you describe is there (but it's minor): the Milestone appears selected but, by the semantics of its checkbox, it's not being operated upon.
However, the problem I describe applies even when the milestone *is* archived. Namely,
  • you click the milestone's checkbox
  • it is selected along with its tasks
  • you click on Archive (and confirm)
  • tasks are archived and disappear from Tasks pane. Milestone stays there
  • you click on the milestone, and in the detail page you Archive it
  • the milestone *still* stays on the Tasks pane, with its title stroken

This point is the ground for the problem I report here: archived milestones are "in the way" there, and tasks you add to them display the described behavior.


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given the Changelog you released for version 1.7 rc, I suppose this has been fixed in there.


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Actually the fix in 1.7 RC is that on older versions, when you archived a milestone (by going to the milestone's view and clicking on "Archive") the milestone would still be shown in the Tasks module. Now archived milestones are not shown anymore.

So this issue is still pending :(